. @MichelleCKondo, @nookak, and I argue the evidence linking nature & health is strong enough that primary care offices should incorporate ‘Nature Contact Counseling’ into preventive visits.

Goal is to influence how people interact with their existing neighborhood environment /2
This doesn’t sound revolutionary, but it is. We should be talking to our patients about nature the way we talk about exercise and diet. Pediatricians are ahead of the curve on this, but it’s just as important for adults. #NatureIsHealth /3
We argue strongly that *health systems* should invest in new, safe, & accessible green space, & renovate/maintain existing space. 🌳

I have a hunch that structural investments such a green space will have a ROI for health systems. Working on studying that - stay tuned 😉 /4
We talk about the issue of ‘social access’ to parks and mention briefly that the legacy of racial exclusion from public parks may influence where people feel comfortable spending time outside. This takes on a whole new meaning after witnessing what happened #ChristianCooper. /5
My hope is this paper will provide a rationale and some juice for nature and park advocates. In our current #COVID19 reality, spending time outside in nature remains one of the safest places to be and I maintain is vital to our mental health. /6
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