"Hands off our Kids" rally.

I don't doubt there are people who believe attending this rally is some kind of stand against child abuse. But please look at some of the people involved and what they are actually using this event to do. /1 (Thread)
Hermann Kelly's work includes writing a book to discredit a woman's story of abuse & claim people made false accusations to the redress board for financial gain. These are things he chose to focus on in 2007,well after we knew the depth of clerical&institutional abuse inflicted/2
If you're protesting to "protect" children,ask yourself what work the organisers have done for children. Who & what are they protecting children from? Progressive relationship & sex education that has been *proven* to protect children from sexual abuse,STI & crisis pregnancies?/3
protecting children from those of us that believe religious indoctrination should be separate to education?

They might tell you we want to introduce children to porn. Children are watching porn at 10 yrs old, they need to learn what they are seeing is not the norm or healthy
There is a huge amount of research to show that progressive, consent based relationship and sex education is the best way to protect your children. The evidence is there. Why would anyone knowingly want to prevent children being protected in this way? /5
The Oireachteas committee on education & skills published a report on RSE. I (with colleagues from Aasvi) & others made submissions & the report can be found here. Please educate yourself before supporting something that could be harmful to children /6

The internet can be such a dangerous and confusing place. So many people manipulating fear and empathy for their own agenda. Please research for yourself from reputable sources before sharing anything inflammatory or giving your support to a campaign or events 7/7
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