In three studies, we investigate the relationship between cognitive style (analytic vs. intuitive) and trust in Didier Raoult and his treatment (hydroxychloroquine + azithromycine). We find that more intuitive cognitive style predicts higher trust.
We also find that trust in Didier Raoult and hydroxychloroquine is linked to conspiratorial and pseudo-medical beliefs about coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Moreover, we find that trust in Didier Raoult is also linked to belief in conspiracy theories and pseudo-medecines (e.g. homeopathy, anti-vaxx) in general.
Additionnaly, in Study 3, we find that Bullshit Receptivity (i.e. tendency to find statements randomly generated from Deepak Chopra tweets "profound") also predicted Trust in Raoult.
Overall, this suggests that the current division of the French opinion on Didier Raoult and his treatment might be partly explained by differences in cognitive style and pre-existing differences in beliefs (conspiracy theories, pseudo-medicine)...
... and by different degrees of valorization of personal experience over and above scientific methods.
And I forgot to tag my co-author (and first author) Joffrey Fuhrer @JFuhrerSensei
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