A thread about how sports view trans/ inclusion policies and people: Recieved an email asking me to volunteer my time across multiple meetings to help develop said policy- this is a VERY well funded national body...
Said I would have to decline, that any other policy would see consultants paid and if you were truly invested and the policy taken seriously you need to pay those whose experiences, trauma and expertise you are drawing on for your organisations benefit appropriately
Despite explaining why not paying for such a commitment is wrong and taking advantage of trans people, I revived and email back saying that despite not having a budget it was their main priority between now and October- but they couldn’t pay
To all those wanting to develop such a policy. If it was your priority, you would have a budget to pay consultants if you want their input. If you are asking people to volunteer their time, don’t make a policy, you clearly don’t see trans people’s time as worthy of compensation
This happens every. single. time. You are paying for a lifetime of experiences, often difficult and traumatic experiences. If you can’t pay that the respect it deserves, your policy is already meaningless and not worth the paper it’s written on
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