We've seen enough of this government's behaviour by now to realise what is happening.

A huge share of the blame and condemnation must now lie at the door of the UK's fourth estate, who by omission and silence, every single day, are complicit in the destruction being wrought.
What is happening, what continues to happen, would not be possible without their normalisation, their reframing, and in most cases their silence. I'm not even talking about the active propagandists in the press - we know who they are. I'm talking about formerly trusted sources.
It's time to face squarely the likelihood that if compromise has occurred at the highest levels in UK government, it has more than likely occurred in the media also. I think individual journalists need to start examining their consciences.
The reason I sometimes think that the UK is in a more perilous condition than the US is an apparent relative lack of independence among top political journalists here. The situation is incestuous. When the inevitable implosion happens (and it will) their role must be scrutinised.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Because one of the most frightening things of all has been across-the-board media complicity in, and normalisation of what, just a couple of decades ago, would have set so many alarm bells ringing.
The irrefutable fact is that the government couldn't achieve their aims without the collaboration of a vast section of the press. Press collusion is not a minor or secondary thing. It is an essential building block of the coup.

So yes:

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