usage of angst in fics: A thread

To begin. I feel angst is commonly believed to be a one way street. Many writers and readers alike tend to view it as an opportunity to angst up and ‘hurt their fav characters’. And thus u walk along the street to find—
Tw// Cheating and infidelity, death, hospitalization

You can find cheating, infidelity, dying, and characters being hospitalized for cancer, but when you think about it. As a writer, what good is it when you write heartbreaking angst where the character cheats or dies—
U have the imagination, the tools for writing, I am not judging but using you creative abilities to write about sensitive topics... knowing that there are people who have experienced it.. there are other words to actually use for angst—
There’s melancholy, despair, sorrow. Those words produce emotions that can become realistic and tangible.

Angst is a two way street. If you want to maybe expand upon the new universe and walk down the cool new street u just discovered go ahead eheh—
Writing is a journey, to find yourself along the choices of angsting up yourself for fun? Or making a realistic angst story, of coming of age, learning how love, denial, slow burn, I feel there’s a whole new world awaiting for your arrival
At the end of the day, this thread is not judgmental. For all I care. If u are an avid angst lover of the hearts write a love letter in the form of pure angst in a the shape of 20k fic. but I feel readers and writers need or understand the precautions when writing delicate topics
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