‘The way to defeat bad ideas is by exposure, argument, and persuasion, not by trying to silence or wish them away.’
I agree, though it’s very short-sighted of them to omit that it’s tough for individuals to successfully argue with the ideas of behemoths followed by millions.
This is what I’m talking about btw, infamous letter that truly has good intentions imo but is a bit shortsighted and that was endorsed by some people who blurred the line on its intentions.

https://twitter.com/harpers/status/1280495875165425670?s=21 https://twitter.com/harpers/status/1280495875165425670
Here’s the thing. Among the people who are being bullied into silence or terrible mental health for a slip-up or poor wording, we count… absolutely not celebrity writer you-know-who, but people like a trans youtuber who did a LOT of good eloquently discussing societal matters.
She’s articulate, she’s talented, funny and smart, she talks not just about gender from the point of view of her philosophical degree but MANY other things. One day she tweeted some thing that was deemed NB-phobic, and she was piled on. Still is. And guys we can’t let that happen
She isn’t NB-phobic in the least btw, but that’s another matter. That could have been discussed better.

Bc you see, that’s the thing: no one is ‘cancelling’ or shutting up the worst and the biggest. We’re ostracizing our own and the already hurt if we expect ‘perfection or go’.
Anyway end thread. Remember that the best defense against that BS is promoting what points out how wrong they are.

Remember also that sometimes it’s not BS but human mistakes or learning opportunities.

And remember not to hurt ourselves.
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