Some more thoughts about tsv privating their old livestreams.

I have been thinking about this for almost 48 hours now. My first reaction was sadness. Then I was mad at myself for not downloading all of them; I kept postponing this, I kept saying I will do it after my last exam
then there I was, the evening *before* my last exam, and the videos were gone. I was too late. I will miss the world tour ones the most, the Salzburg twoset tuesday, the oslo twoset tuesday, the one where brett came to Romania.
Now, I am actually excited for the future of twoset
Guys, please trust me when I say there were things in these videos none of you would want to keep on the Internet, if you were in their position. The boys have changed their yt channel to musician channel, have started collabing with other yt musicians, they have Spotify account
I can see they are growing up and they are working on taking their channel and their careers to the next level. And I am happy for them. They were young adults when the fb livestreams were happening and now they are close to 30.
Maybe they want to be taken seriously as professional musicians. Maybe they're just embarrassed by their sleep deprived behaviour. Maybe there are people in these livestreams that are no longer in their lives. No matter the reason, I will respect it.
If their friendship is real, we will still see it shine through their videos. If their personalities are genuine, we will still see that in the videos. We are getting a Sibelius VC livestream this year! And who knows what else. We love these old livestreams because they +
+ show a glimpse inside their lives, uncensored. But tours are coming once the pandemic is over, and maybe interviews are coming once they gain popularity, and maybe vlogs could come back too, one way or another. Maybe this is a sign exciting things are coming.
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