Bang Chan (stray kids) being the sweetest man and the angel of stays — a needed thread
He does live shows regularly to discuss with the stays whether it’s their problems or other things.
He already talked about self-doubt, low confidence, coming-out, school stress, self harm and many others things like depression and anxiety.
He has said that he won't get a tattoo because he wants to donate blood.
He did the ice bucket challenge to spread awareness for ALS patients.
He produces songs that talk about mental health and tells us we're doing well and that we're doing a great job.
He also mentioned that he'd donate to unicef to save the orcas if he had a million won.
He chose the members and always watched them as someone extremely proud and happy to have them in his life, we all know how important stray kids is to him because it is also his family and safe place.
He does his best to be a perfect person despite the few mistakes he has made, which is normal because he is human. He thinks everyone deserves love.
He said during a concert that he and the members were doing their best to make the stays feel at home in their district/in the fandom. Regardless of their skin colour, identity/genre or sexual orientation, all stays are welcome.
He is always there for us and members, he cares a lot about people he loves.
He works so hard to the point he barely get sleep bc he is always working on musics.
He said on a live he loved his haters though, he told we are his bias.
I promise he is really the sweetest and kindest man ever, always there for us and his members.
Always working hard, always helping and guiding us through the hard times.
So please stop hating on him, he did mistakes but he is human, he is bery kind and open-minded.
He deserves all the love and happiness of this world.
I can add more things tho but I will stop here for now — end of thread
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