Hi! I've seen artists promote other artists so I thought I'd do one for fanfic writers too! 💕
To join just:
✒Reply to this tweet with screenshots of your AO3 username and fic you wanna promote
✒Genre/s and fandom/s you usually write for
✒Use #FanficWriterSpotlight
I'll then RT the replies on my profile. If you're a twt AU writer, just reply with screenshots of snippets from your fic. Let's all show some love and support to the awesome fic writers everywhere!! 🥺💕
Also, if you find fics that you love from this thread, remember to:
✒Give a kudos
✒Click Bookmark
✒Leave a comment (comments mean the WORLD to fic writers even the keyboard smashes comments)

All right here we go!! I'll start! 🥰
Hi I'm Iana! I usually write fluff and humor with the occasional angst. Slow-burn is also my thing. I'm currently writing for the Obey Me fandom. And I update once a week. Please give my work lots of love!! 🥺💕
You can follow @ianabanana22.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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