Thoughts on the recasting for batwoman: A THREAD
Well firstly I didn’t watch the show before this 😂 so I’m going to do that now. But people can we not be ridiculous? Surely if there’s a recasting randomly it’s for a reason.
Based on the thread, it was because Ruby Rose couldn’t keep up with the schedule or pace of D.C./CW which makes sense since there’s weekly episodes and it can be a lot.

This may or may not be true but who cares?
Let me make it VERY clear that the argument that batwoman cannot be black because she’s white in the comics is utterly ridiculous, in fact moronic. Here are the reasons why:
1 - any D.C./Marvel reader is aware of the multiverse theory so any character can have multiple doppelgängers or similar characters from other universes.
2 - Using “Well xyz jusy gave up their voice acting role” as a reason why batwoman cannot be black makes you a complete and utter imbecile.

Black people asked for police reform and have received anything but that. No one asked anyone to stop voice acting. Even we think it’s...
Dumb asf lol so don’t bring that to us as a rebuttal because it makes no sense.

3 - You haven’t even given the woman a chance....

Shut up and watch her in the show first. If she’s awful then we can collectively complain.
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