Also, from the Democracy Institute: Only 4% of DJT voters are open to changing their mind -- while 12% of Biden's backers are. At the same time, just 29% of DJT voters would admit their support for him in public, while 82% of Biden supporters would proclaim their vote openly.
Needless to say, there is a gigantic pro-Trump electorate which will not make itself known to the general public. Furthermore, 81% of Trump's voters are in his corner because they are in favor of him as a person, while only 29% of Biden's supporters can say the same.
71% of Biden voters are voting purely against Trump, rather than as an affirmation of the former Vice President. This is disastrous for Biden, especially because 77% of DJT's backers are enthusiastic about him, yet only 43% of Biden supporters are enthused over their candidate.
Making matters even worse for Biden is that 55% of voters believe him to be afflicted by dementia -- a mere 40% of those polled say he is in good cognitive shape. Finally, Biden gets only 81% of the black vote (DJT gets 16%) and 51% of Hispanics (DJT gets 34%).
Considering all of this, as well as the fact that the Democracy Institute was the only pollster to correctly predict Brexit and Trump's 2016 victory, I think that Biden is in deep trouble -- and his campaign knows this, which is why it is deploying resources in Nevada.
Almost-certainly, both DJT's and Biden's internal polling shows something similar to the Democracy Institute's findings. For the record, the DI's state-level surveying indicates that DJT is on track to get 309 electoral votes, while Biden is projected to get 229.
Bizarre as this may seem, the actions of both campaigns tell me that they are seeing something generally similar within their own numbers. Media trolls, especially 'conservative' Trump skeptics, are telling you a story, but it is very much smoke and mirrors; a house of cards.
These bad-faith actors want to demoralize DJT's base precisely because they know that this election is closer than their propaganda would have folks believe. Please do not fall for their scare tactics -- if these sharks do not believe their own hype, why should you?
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