It’s neat that it’s so easy to spread awareness of harassment, abuse, murder, rape, and so forth nowadays and that it’s not as easy for criminals to have clean reputations but also

Man is there just so much to process about the people in our world, it’s too upsetting
I guess I keep thinking about how it’s hard for some to process the fact that esports players were able to have so much power over minors and witnesses when they’re “just esports players”
And to me it’s like no shit they have a platform and fans, of course there’s influence
But then I see something like a police officer stalking someone for years and groping her on video and I’m like holy shit
And this is something that probably makes way more sense to the average person than Smash players successfully grooming kids behind closed doors
I guess I’m at a point where news just really isn’t selective anymore and I’m hearing more about stuff I used to barely hear about
And that’s really just the whole nurture portion of nurture v nature huh
I was in a call with two white irl friends and we were talking about the BLM protests and all they talked about were the riots and the effect on businesses and that peaceful protests would be better
And I felt pretty uncomfortable because that’s downplaying the protests so much
But at the same time it’s like
Yeah that is the mindset they would have
Like of course they would think this way cause those are the very easy and very simple values that they’ve learned to grow up with and place on EVERYBODY regardless of background or history
I had something else to say but like I’m also bored of this thread and don’t have the energy to say it so all done bye bye
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