1/It's time for:

Coronavirus Tweets From the Experts, 7/8/2020

2/There's a huge tangle of sometimes conflicting information about coronavirus. How can we make sense of it?

Read this Andy Slavitt thread to find out how to stay calm and reasonable and well-informed amidst the madness: https://twitter.com/ASlavitt/status/1281014305631109121
3/Which activities are riskier? Which are safer?

A helpful infographic: https://twitter.com/ZekeEmanuel/status/1280894116130205701
4/A national failure of unprecedented proportions. https://twitter.com/larrybrilliant/status/1281070205922209799
5/Remember, indoors is more dangerous than outdoors. Unmasked is far more dangerous than masked. https://twitter.com/dabeard/status/1280988763716562944
6/Deaths are climbing again https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1281037080479494146
7/Florida continues to be bad at reporting data https://twitter.com/olivierlacan/status/1281013689810857984
8/Women are at the core of the coronavirus research effort. https://twitter.com/TerryMMcGovern/status/1280960257498533888
9/Another example of how comprehensively and thoroughly the United States has failed in the face of this pandemic. https://twitter.com/ByMikeBaker/status/1280996683833212928
10/BUT, at least most of us are wearing our masks!! https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1280996656209555458
11/Should we reopen schools in the fall? https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/1280862510137171973
12/It's hard to have good institutions when you have insanely bad leadership. https://twitter.com/Dereklowe/status/1280986783497494530
13/Remember, death is not the only bad outcome from this disease. https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/1280706952088236032
14/Another article on whether it's safe to send kids back to school. https://twitter.com/JonBelsher/status/1280960852909309953
15/We were incredibly slow to ramp up testing. By the time we did, the virus was out of control.

Comprehensive national failure. https://twitter.com/joshmich/status/1280938798025752576
16/What do we know about T-cell immunity?

Less than news articles may lead you to believe.

But we're learning! https://twitter.com/profshanecrotty/status/1280943933569200128
17/That super-viral thread with 34,000 retweets by a tech guy that claims to explain falling death rates?

It was armchair epidemiology. And it was very misleading. https://twitter.com/ZoeMcLaren/status/1280939867678130178
18/In-person church services spread coronavirus. https://twitter.com/HelenBranswell/status/1280932247495999490
19/What we do and don't know about immunity to COVID.

Short version: We don't know nearly enough yet. https://twitter.com/HelenBranswell/status/1280922593781075968
20/Deaths climbing in Houston. https://twitter.com/Mike_Hixenbaugh/status/1280907758905286659
21/We still don't know what D614G does. https://twitter.com/CellPressNews/status/1280901986351828993
22/Forsythia is still around, I see. https://twitter.com/matthewherper/status/1280907801993281536
23/Arizona is doing incredibly badly. https://twitter.com/charlesornstein/status/1280888218372759552
24/WOW! We are getting a LOT better at treating the most severe COVID patients!! https://twitter.com/ASlavitt/status/1280889429100552192
25/This epidemiological model predicts 3800-5000 more deaths per week over the upcoming month. https://twitter.com/reichlab/status/1280888803889156097
26/A fun post about the logistics of vaccines. https://twitter.com/Dereklowe/status/1280879794574540800
27/An important thread about how to increase testing. https://twitter.com/JenniferNuzzo/status/1280861876142907392
28/Sweden: The Control Group https://twitter.com/aetiology/status/1280858405297704962
29/Why is Arizona such a giant flaming disaster? https://twitter.com/SaskiaPopescu/status/1280852356582666242
30/Monoclonal antibody treatments may be on the way sooner than you think. https://twitter.com/ScottGottliebMD/status/1280548514821550083
31/The risk of getting coronavirus from surfaces is small. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1279869038110191617
32/And that's all for today, folks!

Stay safe out there.


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