Born in hell! yes that's where our panchami opened her eyes. In 2016, one day we were informed that a fracas has broken out in a slaughterhouse in Kasargod. What had transpired was that a pregnant cow had given birth to a calf on the slaughter floor itself. Though pregnant cows
can't be slaughtered by law but evil lurks through easily with gold and bigotry. As the news spread, the local people were disturbed and angry. To save the mother-daughter duo, they were purchase by us and brought to our Gausadan. When they reached we found out that the cow was
deathly famished and had only bones and skin while the calf was barely clinging to life. We immediately put them under intensive round the clock care and served them with devoted love and care. With time, both mother (now named Radha) and daughter (now named Panchami) flourished
like wild flowers in spring and became very strong and robust. We profusely praise the lotus feet for not only saving them but also allowing us to serve them. She is lovingly adopted for all these years by Poornima Nair
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