So this is hitting me heavy, right now. I believe God wants each and every one of us to stop and be in awe. Read this message and then be still. He’s telling me this and wants me to share. Keep reading. 👇🏻1/
We almost lost everything, 4 years ago. All of God’s beautiful creation to the clutches of evil that has been allowed to rule this earth for all time. We were at a precipice, but He had a plan. The Plan. Q Team & POTUS are just His instruments/vessels. 2/
We all woke up to the truth about politics, MK Ultra, Pharma, etc. But that is not The Great Awakening. That’s just a 10,000 ft view. We’re aiming for 40,000. The Great Awakening is humanity waking up to truth AND it is a spiritual awakening. 3/
We have been getting so caught up in the political climate and happenings, and we are missing out on the grander picture. God/Creator/Source isn’t political. This isn’t a political awakening, but we have been treating it as such. I am guilty of this. 4/
Have you noticed that it feels like you’re running on a hamster wheel? When will we get there? When will this end? If that’s how you feel, you are looking at this all wrong. We do need to fight and red pill. Absolutely. But we can’t remain stagnant. 5/
We need to tend to the greater and more important part of The Great Awakening. What good is bringing out the truth, if we don’t clean up, learn and grow, spiritually? We will just backslide again. The end goal is humanity togetherness. 6/
Question: Do you remember in the Bible where Jesus tells us....US that WE will do greater things than Him? Ummm. I don’t know about you, but my water is still water, I haven’t raised the dead, multiplied get the point. So is Jesus a liar? 7/
I would say no. Many don’t grasp this fact: Just as [they] have controlled and manipulated us in every single aspect of our lives, you would be seriously naive to think that [they] haven’t done this to us, spiritually and Biblically. Hard truth. 8/
[They] never wanted us to know the power that our Creator gave us and intended for us. We have the Kingdom inside of us. We were created and commanded to do greater things than Jesus did. Just think about that. Let that soak in. 9/
We have been so caught up in the fight in front of us, that we are missing out on The Great Awakening. It’s time for us to take part in it, fully. All of that passion, heart and drive that we’ve given to this battle, we need to give to connecting w/Him. 10/
This is about getting to that 40,000 ft view. Stop & see Him in all of this. He chose POTUS, but HE also chose YOU. Think about that. Let that sink in. Your journey was predestined to lead you here, for this time, for The Great Awakening. 11/
You are a part of The Plan. Not just the memes and red pills, but The Great Awakening. It’s time to go inward. It’s time to see. Just sharing what I’m supposed to and it will get to the ones who need it (like me). God bless. 🙏🏻💚💚💚 WWG1WGA 12/
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