"Level 8 Relationship of MewGulf" Thread

Here it is! Credited to @mint_manee đŸ„°
Mint welcome everyone into the morning of the 8th with the analyzing thread between the brothers who are (not) serious in level of 8, which Mint would like to start with the meaning behind the number 8 when we lie it on its side,
it will become an infinity (infinite) mark "♟" (1)
Infinity symbol (♟) has two adjacent circles or a number 8 on its side (Lazy 8). This symbol is sometimes called lemiscate, a symbol found in mathematics and physics, representing the meaning of infinity without boundaries. (2)
When we connect the infinity symbol with love symbol, ♟ symbol would be considered a symbol of love, in the sense of love that lasts forever. Also, if referenced by P'Mew's words who always say that "I like a cute person. The person who makes me want to flirt with +
every day, even we are in a relationship". (3)
From that saying, Mint can interpret P'Mew's love being a consistent love. Also, regardless of how the relationship develops, he still wants to treat the person he loves as when they first dated. Because the best part of a relationship is "flirting with each other", therefore, +
we will devote everything to win the heart of a person we like. (4)
Therefore, this moment is the time when the whole world turns pink. No matter where you look, you will see his face, every word and every conversation has to have his name in it. Until leading to the transfer of certain behaviors from our loved ones, which results +
in facial expressions so that people may say "Why do these two look similar?" (5)
The relationship of Level 8 began around March, from the "brothers that loves each other" to the "brothers who loves each other a lot", and when asked why the eighth level, according to an interview in Woody talk, P'Mew responded, "There is still room for improvement" +
while nong replied, "We still have a lot of time together". (6)
From P'Mew's words, can be interpreted in two ways. Firstly, P'Mew wants the relationship to be gradual and doesn't want to rush to much. Second, P'Mew wants to keep flirting with N'Gulf until it's the right time. As for N'Gulf's words, Mint interprets that both of them still +
have a long time learning about each other. (7)
Moreover, Level 8 is a "suitable" level of a relationship, not too high, but not low because they started knowing each other around two years which they have plenty of to gradually learn about one another. Like a tree that needs to be diligently watered, cultivated, +
fertilized, and waiting for the time to harvest the produce. (8)
As a fan, Mint sees that the relationship of P'Mew and N'Gulf is a "healthy" relationship because both of them has "space and time" for each other, allowing each other to spend time with their friends and family without needing to stick together all the time. Therefore, this +
kind of love will be "sustainable and durable". (9)
Finally, Mint don't know if this thread would be sweet enough for everyone to enjoy or not but Mint's knowledge is still full as usual. If anyone want to reinforce topics regarding this thread, may come and drop by. Mint is open to opinions. (10)
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