When I was growing up less than half of America believed racial intermarriage was acceptable, and there was a great deal of social racism, but basically in school they taught me a simple message of see people as individuals and don't judge by skin color. It was pretty effective!
This simple message has come under attack by people who think children should be given a fifty page diagram instructing you to evaluate people along critical theory hierarchies. For some reason, I imagine that will not yield the same result.
Critical theorists practics American exceptionalism because they think they can practice same essentialism and sectarian theorizing that tore apart the Balkans, Rwanda, or leads to religious authoritarian impulses in South Asia but Americas so different it'll end differently.
My guess is, it will end the same way. If your kids in a school and they're teaching racial guilt and resentment, talk to the school board. Heck, run for school board. Tolerance is hard to build and preserve but it's worth it.
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