"Like many others when this whole COVID narrative started, I began to listen to our President on a daily basis. That’s when I realized the media, in both English and Spanish MSM have been manipulating the masses for several years in regards to President Trump. 1/x
This made me furious and it made me do my research on all of his speeches and his policies. Well long story short, I think he’s fantastic (and I’m a millennial and a first generation Mexican and second generation Irish born in the USA, so that’s basically blasphemy from my 2/x
Mexican side and my peer group 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣)! Also, my father and my uncles are veterans so patriot blood runs through these veins. I will do my part to save this great nation and I’m so happy to have walked away. #WWG1WGA #LEXIT
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 ❤️ - Meghan 3/3
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