One ~ sad realization I've had about living on #TeamPanicDisorder:

One of the characteristics of a panic attack for me and many others is the sense of all-impending DOOM. The sympathetic nervous response fires up and only calamity and The End feels nigh.

Blessedly, panic attacks fade. But I've come to realize that over the years, it's left an imprint. I now seem to have as a general mood some difficulty in seeing lights in the dark, in seeing paths through.

I have to consciously remind myself that, with luck and a boatload of privilege, this -- whatever "this" is -- is likely not The End and that many things pass. What's the Jewish expression? Something like: to life, until you die.

Still. It's sad to realize how much a mood disorder characterized mostly by intense acute events can have longitudinal impact on mood.

I study and teach about the fact of chronicity. I live some of it, too.

Thus, sometimes I find even very maudlin reminders of the presence of light and possibility quite affecting. Fauci said this the other day and I almost choked up. These are little bells of mindfulness, which anxiety and panic (and ADHD I guess) work to thieve.

Anyway. Off to do some coding now. Have a good evening.


#NoShame #ShameFlourishesInTheDark #ThisIsWhoIAm #NoStigma
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