YOU said, Don, that BLM concentrates only on police brutality.


Explain to everyone here how an INTEGRATED Baptist church is committing police brutality.

These are BROWNSHIRTS. They actually STORMED the church.

Do you support this, Don?
When BLM is finished, the Democrats will get about 5 percent of the electorate.

And check out THIS guy's head:

He moves like a leopard. The church has protection.

Thing won't get out of hand.
But my GOD:

Has anybody EVER seen a more suicidal move than the Democrats deciding to embrace BLM?

Attacking CHURCHES?

This is Third World crap.

It's un-American.

The line between right and wrong has never been more clearly drawn.
The Democrats and the press and academia have embraced the indefensible.

All the illegality that came before the current BLM reign of terror was directed at @realDonaldTrump.

We know he can take it. In fact hew goads his enemies into destroying themselves.

It goes without saying that NOBODY ELSE NEEDS TO GET INVOLVED IN THIS.

Again, look at this man's head. He's seen the elephant.

The church is protected.
That's one of the reasons the churchgoers are so confident.


Watch it from afar.

Let Don Lemon take the heat.

And he will. ALL leftists will.

This is an object lesson in not being insane.

Detonation versus deflagration.


Not explosions; very rapid incineration.

BLM thinks these are explosions because they're crazy.

All we're seeing is yelling and shoving, with the occasional punch.
With each passing day, the Democrats lose more support.

NOBODY SANE supports harassing young mothers with babies and toddlers.

Robert Frost wrote a poem about hate. It's called Fire and Ice.
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To know that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
I don't hate these BLM as individuals, but I absolutely loathe them as a group.

They mean nothing to me as individuals. They've dehumanized themselves to the point that they're a different species.

THEY hate US as individuals.
My loathing is cold.

It's ice.

That allows me to think clearly. I'm in no danger of losing my head.

The current thinking on losing your temper is that it's very bad for you.

In the past we were told that we mustn't "repress" our anger.
But the more often you let it out, the easier it gets.

You're supposed to CONTROL yourself.

You don't REPRESS your anger; you simply don't allow it to goad you into making insane decisions.

Trump's enemies have been in a state of pure rage and hate since 2016.
And now they're making such deranged decisions that they're going to have their butts handed to them in November.


As a president, all he does is help and improve.

The World Health Organization helped the Chinese inflict a plague on us.

That's all that matters.

There should be no hand wringing over Trump's decision to withdraw the US from the WHO.

Do you not understand the magnitude of what the WHO did?
Some crimes can't be overlooked.

"Mr. Smith is a great guy. Sure, he murdered that woman's children last week, but other than THAT--"

Red China has done nothing but kill and destroy since its founding in 1949.

The government has NO REDEEMING FEATURES.
They violate borders at will, fish in the territorial waters of other countries, and prevent ANY IMPROVEMENT at the UN.

Remember their "engineering marvel" the Three Gorges Dam?

Well, the smart people knew the inevitable outcome:
The Chinese make everything into a deathtrap, but if you point that out, you're a racist.

WHEN--not IF--the dam lets go, MILLIONS will be killed.

The government is entirely hopeless, so the country needs to go bye-bye.

And it will.
Geopolitical Darwinism.

That which has no will to survive, won't.

China and BLM are perfect examples of what happens when you appease.

Their goal is total domination, so you can't actually appease them enough.

But have no fear. Natural law is at work.
Nobody sane votes for people who approve of attacks on churches.

And the Chinese will take care of themselves.

As in, they'll put themselves out of their own misery.

We've been propping them up.

No more.
If Don Lemon speaks out forcefully against BLM, I'll shake his hand and buy him a Daniel Webster SEE-gar.

(Name that movie.)

I'm in no danger of having to do either.

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