1/ Lots of folks attributing rising numbers to reopening are silent on CA, a state whose Governor has maintained one of the most stringent lockdowns.

States with the top death tolls 7/8:
1. NJ - 142*
2. CA - 114
* - 89 probables + 48? historical: https://twitter.com/malkusm/status/1281044476908261376
2/ Of course, the California cases aren't spread evenly across the state. There are two major hotspots.

First, as with Texas, at the border. The zip code in San Diego County with the highest number of cases is 92154: https://public.tableau.com/profile/mario.sevilla5973#!/vizhome/SDCOUNTY-COVIDBYZIPCODES/Sheet1
4/ So what's going on? Here is L.A. County's hospitalization data through 7/5.

71% of all patients ever hospitalized, and 68% admitted to ICU, have been Hispanic. These figures have stayed relatively constant over time.

Only 44.6% of L.A. County residents are Hispanic/Latino.
5/ Do we need to do a better job messaging the public health risks to these communities?

Is this correlated with poverty, income, occupation?

Is it correlated with larger than avg households? This could even lead one to conclude that lockdowns hurt Latinos disproportionately.
End/ This is a touchy subject, but we all stand to benefit from having an open dialogue here - the Latino community, perhaps, most of all.

We need to be intellectually honest about what the data says if we want to control the spread. And lockdowns don't seem to be a factor here.
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