The Nile River is amazing. Imagine how so much power can be harnessed from it. Water is such a precious commodity. Just from where is starts in the clouds to were it ends in the river and how it travels along it till it reaches a hydroelectric dam to generate electricity. Wow
Imagine how everything has to be perfect to create humidity that will condense into rain clouds and that rain has to fall into a specific area where the Nile originates and the flow through the furrow that is the Nile River.
The River is a special creation it supports life along it, and it also supports fish and other creatures within it. But I’m fascinated by how hydroelectric power generates electricity. You need rain, a river flowing powerfully enough, a dam and a turbine.
When it comes to hydroelectric power, anything can go wrong. If the humidity is wrong clouds don’t form, no rain. If the cloud cover is all together away from the origins of the river no water flows into it. So the dam will fail to generate electricity. Bad for people who need it
If the river is too narrow, no water enough water will flow through it reach the dam with enough power to turn turbines around to generate electricity. If the river wall start growing roots that extend it to the river it might impede the flow of water and affect its power.
If people start littering and dumping stuff into the river and not taking care of it to a point where it’s starts piling up debris at the point before the dam where the turbines are located, it might affect flow and affect generation of electricity by turbines. So no electricity
So just to generate electricity you need good humidity to form clouds, the rain to fall at the origin of the river, river wide enough to carry flow of water sufficient enough to carry potential energy, river without debris and roots extending into it all the way towards the dam.
So in my world of erectile dysfunction. You have mood-(humidity), clouds-(brain), nerve impulses (rain), the river (penis with its blood vessels) and the turbine (erectile tissue of the penis), electricity (erect penis).
If the mood is wrong (no humidity) clouds can’t form (no brain activity to generate interest in sex) so no rain. Zero rain the river will not flow. If there is a drought then zero humidity, no clouds formation no rain. Zero mood, no brain stimulation.
If there is good humidity, clouds will form and there will be rain. But if there is strong wind direction away from the origin of the river, then no water will flow into it. So mood is right, brain is stimulated but there is injury to the spine no message to penis. No erection.
So good humidity, good clouds and rain but the river is not wide enough then not enough water will flow. So mood is right, brain is stimulated, spinal cord is sending message to the penis but blood vessels are narrowed. Then not enough blood reaches the erectile tissue. 😢
Let’s reflect:River-penis with blood vessels, erectile tissue-turbine that generates electricity or erection. When it comes to erectile dysfunction. The problem can be at the level of the brain, the spinal cord, blood vessels and penile structures.
Conditions that might affect blood flow into the penis, will result in a weak erection. If the river is narrowed not enough water will flow to the turbine to generate electricity. If blood flow is diminished not enough blood will reach the erectile tissue to make the penis stiff
So what can affect river flow causing narrowing, any conditions that caused blockages of blood vessels to the penis will decrease blood flow. So hypertension, atherosclerosis-clogged blood vessels, high cholesterol in blood, will result in diminished flow.
If the river becomes littered with dirt and mud, water flow to the turbine will also be affected. So smoking causes thickening of blood which might slow flow of blood through penile vessels and resulting in not enough blood to the erectile tissue hence weak erection.
The mood-humidity, the cloud-brain, rain-nerve impulses, the river-penis, the dam-plus turbine (erectile tissue) all have to work in tandem to generate an erection. If communication is halted from the brain to the penis no erecting will result.
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