I think one of the reasons (aside from $$) that universities are quickly responding to the student ban is because there’s a clear external big bad wolf, whereas when it comes to racism & anti-blackness, they have to confront the fact that they themselves are the big bad wolf 👀
I'm not criticizing the swift response & actions. As an international student, I'm heartened & hopefuly. That's how it *should be* but as @smileitsjoy points out in this thread, where was/is this energy for Black students? https://twitter.com/smileitsjoy/status/1280892711663525888?s=20
To clarify, I mean Black Americans specifically. I know that there are Black international students. Encourage everyone to read the thread above & ask the same questions. Who do universities value & why? Where are they taking good action steps & where are they falling short?
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