(THREAD) I like the idea of sharing growth journeys, so want to offer a behind-the-scenes look as I grow the ecosystem around my teaching & education biz

I've learned from so many others who shared the inside scoop, hoping this is helpful too.

Will build this thread as we go...
1/ My YouTube channel just hit 10,000 subscribers yesterday.

It launched less than 4 months ago.

On it I've been presenting a Life Operating System using @NotionHQ, a comprehensive way to bring focus and alignment to one's life.
2/ The view counts and engagement in the comments is far beyond most 10k channels.

The comment section is entirely positive (on YouTube!?), filled exclusively with people wanting to learn and grow.

The quality of this community around the channel is what I'm most proud of.
3/ Growth is accelerating.

And it's fueling interest in my other work beyond Notion (also related to life performance), such as my Mind & Machine Newsletter on the science & technology of enhancing human performance. http://news.mindandmachine.io 
4/ About 70% of those who subscribe to the YT channel also subscribe to the Newsletter.

It means a TON to me that so many who subscribed for something very specific on YT wanted to hear my thoughts more broadly 🙏
5/ The Newsletter is now over 7,200 subscribers and growing fast.

I consider this my primary form of content creation, the very best I have to share. I put everything I have into this. It takes a full day to create each issue (every other Sunday).
6/ Everyone around me says I'm crazy to spend so much time on the newsletter.

But I want this to be the very best I can make it for the people who trusted me with their email address.

It's a big deal to me.
7/ Among newsletter metrics, open rates are considered important.

The newsletter opens are around 50%, which is considered exceptional in the newsletter space.

It means a ton to me that people consider it worth opening every week. The number has climbed, as trust has grown.🙏
8/ I believe the key to this progress is that I'm focused on a specific problem people have.

I'm trying to offer a highly effective solution for this particular issue:

It's hard to focus in today's world & it's hard to align daily actions with long-term visions and aspirations
9/ It's hard to know what matters most out of all the options we face.

And it's hard to do it even when we know what it is.

I struggled with this for so long. It held me back for so long. I totally get it.
10/ Everything I create and share now is 100% about this challenge. That's what I do.

But it's hard to maintain the YouTube videos (aiming for 2 vids a week) and the newsletter and client consulting and responding to every single comment, DM, email.

Every. Single. One.
11/ If my work has connected with someone enough that they take the time to reach out to me, it matters a ton to me. I want to connect with them. It's one of my favorite parts of all this.

But it takes a massive amount of time.
12/ So I am going to aggressively pursue ways to do all of it and more. I refuse to accept that with today's technology we cannot massively leverage our daily growth and human connection.

I'm going to strive to deploy technology and human connection to do more & reach further.
13/ And I think it would be fun and valuable to share that effort here. Successes and failures along the way.

I feel all the wins and losses and scars I've experienced along the way have prepared me for this moment.
14/ Next Step: As much as I've shared on YouTube, I'm hearing that the on-ramp is a challenge for many — learning a broad tool ( @NotionHQ) plus a life-encompassing system

Life is complex so any real approach to focusing and aligning it needs to take a lot of factors into account
15/ Yet 1-on-1 consulting and 1-on-1 messaging greatly limits reach and access with finite hours in the day.

My first goal is to create more accessible help & support. More effective guidance. And frameworks that will more consistently deliver the targeted result.
16/ I want to share the process to get there. Much to learn on the journey.

I've started by bringing on a video editor to free up a huge chunk of my time. We're implementing cutting edge tools to work quickly and efficiently together, such as http://Frame.io  ( @Frame_io).
17/ Right now we're in the training stage, which ironically takes up MORE of my time than just doing it myself (at a high $$ expense, paying someone to train them)

Many business owners face this. It's an investment in time and money. It comes with risk & may not work on this try
18/ But what's the alternative? The alternative is being stuck where you are. Maxed out.

So we must invest and take risk to find the path forward.
19/ Sharing this is a risk. The first video on my YouTube channel four months ago was a risk. It could have so easily gone the other way, it could have been humiliating.

Yet now I have 10,000 or so new friends and we are all learning and growing together.
20/ I am totally thrilled to be on this path with all of you! Thank You 🙏

Onward! 🚀

I hope to share in regular installments as we progress, if that's of interest.
21/ Business Progress Update 8/31/20 :

My newsletter passed 10k subscribers last week, and now is beyond 11k. Growing over 2k per month 🙏

It's deeply meaningful to know so many people have tuned in recently to hear these life enhancement reflections.
22/ I feel an immense responsibility to every single subscriber who places this trust in me.

I strive to give my best thinking & a smartly curated collection of ideas/articles from unconventional sources.

But there's been a recent disappointment as well...
23/ I believe in sharing to enable more learning opportunity for all, so am discussing disappointments as well as the successes.

Open rates have dropped from the exceptional rates I was getting in the low 50s to the mid-40s.

I don't know why, but have some theories...
24/ Theory #1: Bad titling. I'm afraid this is true, titles are all someone has to go on when deciding whether to open an email.

I'm new at this, not sure what makes a good title. I'll always avoid click bait, but also need to be more compelling.
25/ Theory #2: Higher open rates with new subscribers checking it out initially, then sliding into a less active mode over time.

2k growth per month initially meant a big % of the subscribers are new. 2k each month now represents smaller % of total.
26/ Theory #3: Past issues not exciting readers enough to open future ones. This is my greatest fear, as it would be the most severe problem.

I'm not overly concerned as our open rates are still good and the feedback I get in replies & ratings each issue are extremely positive.
27/ I'm struggling with this decline, I want readers to be eager to see what's in each new issue.

An email title is very little to go on, so its disproportionate role here is unfortunate. I've tried cute & clever, but I think my readers may prefer practical titles.
28/ But I'll pour my biggest efforts into creating the most engaging & valuable issues I can.

I'm in this for the long game, I don't want to connect with everyone, just those that resonate with this kind of discussion and reflection.

I'm seeking the right tribe. Depth > Breadth
29/ That's all for this update, more soon on several other business fronts including the course launch and other expansion initiatives.

For those interested, the newsletter is at http://news.mindandmachine.io 

Feedback is always welcome!
You can follow @augustbradley.
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