@clare_liguori was just reading your great article on automating safe, hands-off deployments at AWS. In it you mention that various sources such as static assets, IaC, test source code, etc all live in their own "individual source code repositories" and are deployed via
individual pipelines that don't necessarily block each other. One thing I'm curious about with this model is how are these individual repositories kept in sync? Say there is a cross cutting change to the application code that also requires changes to the test source code and IaC
repositories, is there a mechanism or workflow in place that keeps some kind of dependency manifest of what versions across all these repositories works correctly together? Or are cross cutting changes always done in a way that are backwards compatible and ensuring the required
dependencies from different repos are fully deployed to production is handled manually by a developer (as mentioned in in the example code review checklist: "Are all dependent changes already deployed to Prod?"). Thanks!
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