Real talk; If you're white washing people like Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Biden...etc knowing what they've done, & the amount of life ending or changing harm they've inflicted on certain groups.

It means you're willing to tolerate those harms because you weren't personally affected
For example; You can't claim that you hate Trump because "He's hurting Arabs/Muslims", while at the same time white washing Bush or Clinton. Your claim is literally invalid. Your concern (if real) is ONLY with Arabs/Muslims in the US. You're tolerating over a million dead Iraqis.
This isn't a fucking difference in opinion. This is literally life or death for people. You're signalling that you're willing to tolerate that harm, to the very people perpetuating that harm. In other words, you're enabling them to do it again.

And millions will die. Again.
Some people are accidentally very overt in where their priorities lie, as shown in this thread where Native American and Japanese American lives didn't matter much to Boot.

Others are far more subtle about it.
Most I choose to believe, are completely unaware of it.

A family member getting shot, will invoke a more visceral & passionate response in people than a local shooting will, which in turn invokes a greater response than someone getting shot in Tibet.

It's human nature.
The problem is, once you ARE informed of the impact, then by not opposing & shunning these criminals, & instead white washing them, you become an active enabler of their crimes.

You're very much an accessory to crime by giving them the green light. You'll tolerate the crime.
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