This seems like a really good time to revisit an interview published less than a month after Trump took office..

And 8 months *BEFORE* Q appeared..

"But, the biggest thing Trump can do is expose PedoGate via Sessions. Big names will go down hard"
"I can tell you that what is in Anthony Weiner’s hard drive, and what videos exist via Jeffery Epstein, WILL BRING massive arrests"

"PedoGate is only a modern term associated with a long history of Pedo-blackmail connected to both Israel and the Intel community"
"There is a full court press to stop PedoGate from being looked at because if people knew the true motives behind the pedophilia epidemic, they would do more than march on Washington. *They could actually seed a revolution*"
"Our politicians are compromised."

"The fact is, many of our politicians – on both sides – have been compromised by CIA and Mossad for years."

"Epstein, convicted of pedophilia received a soft sentence. His island was rigged with video. Many politicians have been compromised."
"Q. How many other politicians have been secretly extorted?"

"A. One in three, roughly."

"Q. Wait. Trump has videos of politicians in ‘delicate” situations?"

"A.  No, But the Intel community has them"
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