THREAD: Hello to all my new followers! My name is Noah. I’m 20 year old mixed race lesbian in a serious relationship, and a detransitioner. I identified as trans for 6 years, lived as a trans man for 3, was on T for 2.5, and had top surgery 1 year ago. Here are my views:
I didn’t detransition because of lack of social acceptance, nor because I didn’t pass. I detransitioned because transition had worsened my dysphoria. I was disillusioned. I didn’t understand why even after legal name & gender change, hormones and surgery I still felt incomplete.
I found a community of detrans and desisted people and others living with dysphoria who didn’t need transition to lead happy and healthy lives. I realized I didn’t HAVE to transition anymore, contrary to the narrrative that suicide is an inevitable for people who don’t.
I realized could live my life without gender and not feel lost or suicidal. I didn’t have to dissociate myself from my sex. I’ve started to embrace myself as a lesbian woman instead of continuing to undergo endless hormones and more surgeries.
I realized I was being fed lies about the trans community, and how the media, doctors, and government officials are complicit in hiding the abuse that goes on. I made this twitter account to talk about my transition and detransition.
I discuss misogyny, racism, and homophobia which are present in the trans community. I talk about the trans medical industry and it’s ethics and malpractice. I also talk about the REALITY of cross-sex hormones and surgeries.
Predators exist within the trans community. Many transwomen have found their identity through porn and many transition because it is a fetish. I wish it wasn’t true, but it is. These people should not have access to female spaces.
The language that women use to describe our oppression and our bodies is being erased. Sex-based protections and spaces are being rolled back. Women in shelters are already experiencing abuse and assault by transwomen. This does really happen.
I’m against pornography and “sex work,” but I am not against the women who are forced into these positions to stay alive. There is no ethical consumption of sex work or porn when it benefits from the rape and sexual exploitation of women and girls.
We are not oppressed because we “identify” as women. We are oppressed ON THE BASIS OF OUR SEX. On the basis of what our bodies can do. On the basis of things that men and transwomen will never know or understand. We don’t lose our oppression when we “identify” out of our sex.
I am a Marxist/socialist. I believe in a Green New Deal and Medicare for All. Housing and food is a human right. I believe in defunding and abolishing the police. I supported Bernie in the 2020 primary. I consider myself radfem-aligned, but do not 100% adhere to any ideology.
I identified as trans for 6 YEARS. I am still an ally to trans people. Trans people are targets for harassment and violence and discrimination. They deserve protection and safety. I do not support transphobia and I will do my best to use preferred pronouns.
I have no tolerance for being cruel to dysphoric trans people, esp trans men. They are constantly laughed at & are at the bottom of the hierarchy in both cis and trans communities. I don’t want to interact with anyone who can’t see this.
I am NOT mutilated. Using that word to describe me does a disservice to the millions of women and girls who are victims of FGM.
My tweets are based on my experiences and observations, but also science and facts. I like to engage in thoughtful and respectful discussion. Likes, rts, follows do NOT mean I endorse that person or agree with everything they say.
I don’t participate or believe in identity politics. I believe it is important to be able to criticize any ideology. I hope you all can learn something from me and that I can learn something from you. Oh and follow my gf @adulttomboy 💖
A few more things: I’m still dysphoric. I still struggle with gender & sex dysphoria everyday. I live with it, but I don’t want my life to be defined by it or gender ideology. I’ve been off of T a little over three months. And I’m doing ok 😁
You can follow @livelaughterf.
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