🇺🇸 Operation Bandana 🇺🇸

In this thread I'm going to fully breakdown #OpBandana. I'll also put my short thread about the flag code at the bottom.
(1) We need a peaceful statement that's powerful. One that shows the world our numbers. We can't be the silent majority anymore.
(2) If you have to wear a mask, wear an American Flag Bandana instead. If you don't wear a mask, wear the bandana hanging from your belt loop or pocket, put it around your neck, in your hair, around your head, on your purse or around your arm. Make sure it's safe, clean & visible
(3) Yes putting a flag up is a good idea but not everyone can hang a flag (like in apartments) or people live in the country were not a lot of people see it. People that live in liberal areas might get flags stolen or burned.

The idea is for people to be seen with the bandana on
(4) The reason I'm saying to use an American flag bandana is because our flag is the symbol of our Nation.

If you are not in the United States, wear a bandana with your flag on it. This can be a world wide operation. We can show the world that Patriots world wide stand together.
(5) There are all kinds of different things we could choose to wear instead of a flag bandana but the American flag is the symbol of US Patriots & bandanas are cheap. Everyone can afford to get one.

This gives us a way to be loud without saying a word. A very powerful statement.
(6) I'm not doing this for likes & follows. I'm doing it because Q said to get organized & I'm trying to come up with ways to do that, but I can't do it alone. It takes all of us working together as a unit.

We have the numbers to make anything go viral, if we all do it.
(7) I know some people worry about the flag code so I broke it down at the bottom of this thread.

Not only can we boost the morale of Patriots, we can show the world our numbers. [They] don't want people to see our numbers, that's why [they] fake polls.
(8) We need to understand our strength & use it. The best way to do that is with something that we all participate in. #OpBandana is an offline in your face statement & now is the perfect time to do it.
(9) If you think about it, it's a silent protest that dosen't stop. If everyone did it, it would be noticed and [they] would try to stop us from doing it (flag code).

(The tweet below is about the flag code)

#OpBandana #WWG1WGA
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