Refusing to be defeated. đź’Ż A thread.
Our Buddhist practice exists for us to find solutions to the problems we are facing in our own lives and in society while helping others to do the same. Buddhism concerns itself with winning in this struggle.
“Winning doesn’t mean getting rich or becoming important. There are many rich and important people who succumb to negative influences and grow corrupt. Such people cannot be said to have won in life.” - Daisaku Ikeda
“True victory is winning over your own mind.” - Daisaku Ikeda
Sometimes when we look at the current reality of our society it can seem impossible to change. However, Buddhism teaches that such thinking is the real obstacle preventing us from creating new realities and achieving our goals.
Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo each day allows us to win this battle with ourselves and continue striving for victory in our family, our communities and workplaces. In this way Buddhism teaches us the important thing is to never give up.
By continuing to move toward our goals while enduring setbacks and difficult circumstances—we forge a strong, undefeated state of life.
“The absence of problems and suffering is not happiness. Refusing to be defeated, being able to endure whatever comes our way—that is happiness.” - Daisaku Ikeda
Particularly when feel a sense of mission to overcome our problems for the sake of inspiring others—we are able to pull tremendous courage and wisdom from our lives and become unstoppable.
“Win or lose, the most important thing is whether we can make that particular result a cause for future victory. Every moment is a fresh start.” - Daisaku Ikeda
Source of the wisdom is our favorite “Discussions On Youth” and another amazing book “Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace, Part 2” and both are on the SGI-USA bookstore: 
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