I listened to the puerile excuses given by Chidera Jedidiah @chxdeks about why he threw the tantrums that we all saw on social media this past week.

The young man fails to see the mistake of his ways. Young man, you're spoiled and entitled. That you feel entitled to destroy...
stuff that's not yours because you're angry with the owner is proof of that.

You're also ill-mannered. Your parents have provided for you all your life. They have been there for you. And this is how you repay them? You do realise that you've made them a laughing stock online...
right? They are the classic example of spare the rod, spoil the child, or at least will be seen as such.

You feel it's okay to destroy your mum's property and be entitled to have "your room" in her house? How does that make sense to you? You want to make food in her kitchen?...
Why dyu have to cycle to your friend's to eat everyday if you're a man of your own? You depend on your parents for your meals, not to talk of schooling, clothing, phone, etc. I bet they pay for all of it.

Yet you feel entitled to disobey her! Truth is, you're a spoiled kid...
What you refer to as Nigerian mentality is good home training. It's the reason the protesters are toppling statues and destroying property they could never afford to repay.

You have tried to make yourself the victim here, but those with good home training see thru you, son...
For you to have done this much damage, I surmise you didn't start this today. You must have been disrespecting your mom in other ways before now.

The earlier you own up to your fault, the better for you. Or else, when you become a parent, you will realise only too late what..
you have done.

Already putting out a paypal account cos you are starting to see that those who are trying to make you feel good about yourself are not about to take up your bills.

If your parents disown you, they would be within their rights to do so. I hope you come to your...
senses before it's too late.

Dunno if you're a Christian or not, but the Bible tells us to honour our parents. That instruction is independent of the one telling our parents not to provoke us to wrath. Look it up in Eph. 6.

You still have a long life. Go and apologise to...
parents for this disgrace you've brought on them. Go and lie before them and tell them you are willing to earn their trust and love again. Don't be stubbornly proud, and maybe there'll be hope for you yet.

This is for @chxdeks

DM me if you want to talk.
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