Day eight: hero
(For cat @lvecean for putting up with me 🥺)

Lance grins as he climbs out of the Blue lion to greet the crowd below. Team Voltron had just freed the planet Dunya from the Galra and the inhabitants insisted that team Voltron attend their yearly festival +
to celebrate their new freedom. Due to the Galra occupation, the Lōkō haven’t been able to hold a festival for many decaphoebes even though it plays a very important part in the planets main religion. Lance watches as Allura greets the leader with a bow and quickly mimics +
her along with the rest of team Voltron.

“Thank you so much for hosting us on your lovely planet,” Allura says, “we would be honored to attend the festival of Jayanti with you and your people.”

“Thanks for having us! We love it whenever people honor us!” Lance exclaims +
stepping up to their leader and grinning.

He sees the queen exchange bewildered looks with her wife. “Of course young paladin, it’s the least we could do. Come, we will show you to your accommodations then you can join us tonight when the festival starts.” +
The queen gestures to a nearby hovercar and climbs in behind her wife. Lance climbs in and sits next to Keith internally cooing at his pout.

“Dude why are you pouting? We’re going to a festival! It’ll be fun!” Lance says throwing his arm around Keith’s shoulder. +
“I’m not pouting!” Keith pouts. “I just don’t get the point, we should be moving on to the next planet!” He finishes shrugging Lance’s arm off +

Lance opens his mouth to reply but before he can say anything, Shiro interrupts with a small smile.

“Keith, we’ve been over this,” +
He says gently, “we can’t go hopping from battle to battle otherwise we’ll burn out. Plus, this is a good way to gain the trust of the Lōkōs. Would you blindly trust someone after being enslaved for as long as they have?”

Keith looks out the window with a scowl +
“No I guess not” he grumbles crossing his arms.

“Yeah Keith we need to relax! Plus I’ve heard there’s an underground market and they have rare tech so I /need/ to check that out so chill out for once!” Pidge pipes up from her seat next to Hunk as she tinkers with +
a bundle of wires she produced out of no where.

Keith stays silent but Lance can see his face and posture relax. They travel for a few more minutes before arriving at a small cabin. The queens let the paladins know another hovercar will arrive in a few hours to pick them up +
for the festival before driving off.


The paladins have just gotten through the thank you dinner and speeches and are free to roam the festival and mingle with all the citizens of the planet. +
Lance sees a booth selling what appears to be face creams and begins to make his way over. However, before he gets there, he feels someone bump into his legs and looks down to see who he ran into. Lance freezes as he sees a small child on the ground +
Wearing what appears to be a mock blue paladin helmet that is clearly several sizes too big for him. He watches as the kid looks up with a pout before it turns into a look of shock and he scrambles to help the kid stand up. +
“Oh wow! Is that really you Mr. Blue Paladin sir? I can’t believe it! I love you you’re my favorite!” The kid exclaims.

Lance stares at the kids grin with wide eyes. “What? Me? Why me? I mean why not Keith or Shiro? They’re way cooler than I am!” +
The kid crosses his arm and gives an impressive pout that reminds him of a certain red paladin. “Nuh-Uh! You’re the coolest! They way you fought in your lion and BAMMED! and WOOSHED! those ships was so cool! I wanna be just like you when I grow up!” +
Lance feels him self tear up and lowers himself to be at eye level with the kid. “Thank you. That means a lot. What’s your name?”

“My name is Para! Mr. Blue Lion Sir? I made a drawing for you but I didn’t think I’d actually be able to give it to you!” Para says. +
It’s only then Lance realizes Para has a rolled up poster with him along with a folded sheet of paper. He gingerly takes the paper when Para offers it and slowly opens it. There, he sees a drawing of himself, standing in front of Para, fighting several Galra. +
The picture is brightly colored and at the top in childish handwriting, Para has written ‘My Hero’ in the local planets language.

“Wow Para, thank you so much, I’m going to hang this in Blue so I can look at it every time I fly her.” Lance says softly, still staring +
at the drawing.

“I’m glad you like it!” Para exclaims before going quiet and looking at the ground. “Um, can you also sign this for me please?” He says holding out the rolled up poster.

Lance begins to unroll the poster and says +
“Sure! It’s a team Voltron poster right? Would you like me to get everyo-“ he stops talking as he stares at a poster that features a picture of him and him alone and it finally hits him that he
/really/ is a hero to this random kid on a random planet in a random galaxy. +
He quickly signs the poster with his name and a short message before handing it back. “So kid, where are your parents?”

“Oh! I was actually trying to find my dads when I bumped into you!” He said fixing his helmet for the umpteenth time. “Can you help me find them?” +
“I would be honored.” Lance grins and easily picks him up, placing Para on his shoulders. “Let’s go!” He shouts and begins marching off. He hears Para giggle from above him as they work their way to the crowd.
#Julance2020 #julance #julanceday8

Thanks to Sara ( @stormie2817) for helping me with this bc words are hard 💕💕💕💕
And here are the other prompts I’ve written so far!
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