I was thinking why I don't see as many people talking about Stargirl on Twitter as for example Titans, the DCEU, or even the CW at times and I came to a frustrating conclusion. People generally talk more about something if they know that a certain amount of people DISLIKE it. >
<That's why you constantly see tweets about people bringing a lesser liked property up to combat the general or relative dislike it might have. However, if something doesn't have any backlash or controversy against it, people just like and accept it and move on, without the>
>Need to constantly remind everyone how "good" it is. People disliked the Starfire casting at first, so we see her fans always talking about her to combat that. People disliked the DCEU to some extent, so people always bring it up in good light to combat that. That's why >
< "BvS is still talked about 4 years later", because fans can't stand the idea of people not liking it, which is fine and normal and everyone does this with what they like. People either like Titans or the Arrowverse, so we see tweets about both respectively to prove how>
<Good they are in contrast to each other. Yet when it comes to a lot of MCU movies, or a show like Stargirl, or a lot of properties, people don't talk about them as much because they don't feel the need to. They like it and that's it, but there's no competition. I'm not saying>
<This is inherently bad, as we're guilty of doing this, but just an observation.
It's why you never see too many tweets pop out of nowhere praising Christopher Reeve or Michael Keaton, but all the time see tweets about Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck and how they're great because some people didn't like them. Defense for favorites leads to exposure, and if >
<Something you like isn't under attack, you won't feel the need to defend it.
I see all the time how the lesser popular version of a character is "THE BEST EVER!!!! >>>>>> *Insert the other versions*" because it's in defense, not spontaneous praise.
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