The UK was full of many academics like myself, screaming from the roof tops about how off couse we were and still are. Back in March I got dragged by a journalist on here for saying herd immunity approach was wrong and would kill. Scientists were ignored by the government.
UK science hasn't lost it's moral compass, there were scientists at the front leading the charge of outrage at the gov approach. The lack of transparency in how choices were made, made everything so much worse.
The truth is the UK elected a populist government at Westminster unconcerned by scientific truth. We have scientists from abroad asking why scientists in the UK didn't fix this (we tried), we have a UK gov saying they followed the science (they didn't).
Both angles are an attempt to deflect the blame from populist governments that put profit and buisness over the people and lives and are still putting the economy over lives.
Despite how hard the push was to buck against the "herd immunity" approach and how much shit we put up with we aint taking the blame for this. The blame lies entirely with the PM.

My moral compass guided me to take a stand against our goverment as it did many other UK scientists
Make no mistake. The lack of early, swift, and complete lockdown needlessly killed people. The discharge of C19+ patients into care homes needlessly killed. The lack of PPE needlessly killed.

The blood is on the PMs hand.
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