Today's hot take: People who see bad things happen, and do nothing, no intervention, no report, just subtweeting or going "ew, not my business" are part of the problem. If you do the above, you relinquish the right to complain when nothing is done about the action.
If you see things happen to other people, DO SOMETHING. Do the "Hey you said we had that thing?" routine, or be like "That is inappropriate" or if you don't have that in you, go to someone who can. Either security, community leaders, event organizers, anyone that can do something
Saying it isn't your business, or you might intercommunicate the event is a bullshit excuse. If you see something, don't just say something, DO SOMETHING. Just saying "I saw something vague to some vague vague with vague, I can't believe people let this happen!" is a call on YOU
You are calling yourself out as being A Problem. What a self burn.
We live in a freaking world with other people that we are reliant on and interact with. It's called a community. ITS ON ALL OF US TO MAKE IT A GOOD PLACE. Get off your goddamn ass, screw your passivity, pearl clutching, concern trolling excuse riddled couch and EXIST WITH PEOPLE
All those times I complained about my neighbors on twitter, it was always after a call to CPS. All those times I complain about things on twitter, it is after an action point. I do live what I'm saying and I challenge you all to do the same.
If you care enough to type a subtweet about it, take the effort to actually change it however you can.
Hello, my name is Hannah, and I have opinions. This is one of many. I'm sick of hearing a side rumor ear worm and digging through 7 levels to figure out what it is and how I can take action on it. But I do. Because too many people don't.
Its better to have multiple reports of the same thing than none. Corroboration is important.
And to people thinking I"m talking about gaming in general, or sexual harassment in general, or physical abuse in general. No. I'm talking about planet Earth, the place we are all stuck together. You are just hearing about all this harassment now? Welcome to the world.
It's been ongoing for millenia, and you finally noticed it. Well done. Now stop thinking its a novel deduction and that you have the One True Way to fix it. The answer is it takes a goddamn community looking out for each other, and willing to hold each other accountable.
It takes looking at the language you use, that some "innocent words" aren't so innocent, that some bad words are bad words for a reason, aren't you edgy for using them. Acts of abuse are excused because of who does them, and that it is common place to see.
This goes for any form of bigotry. Sexism, racism, ageism, ablism, homophobia, transphobia, fear of the unknown in general in an aggressive way. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! The white men reading this thread who are SHOCKED, pick yourself up and realize that this is day to day reality.
So take your few hours to pull yourself together, and then say "What can I do?". Suggest things, don't demand them. Listen to others. Not only that HEAR others. Read literature and studies.
To the white women who think it is just about us, heck no. It's about everyone. We have it comparatively easy to BIPOC women. Use that to HELP THEM, not center ourselves all the time.
And to literally everyone IT ISN"T A GODDAMN COMPETITION. Realize this, it doesn't matter if someone has a small thing, its still a thing, or if its a big thing, it is still a thing. No one knows the size of someone elses burdens.
No one knows what the last thing added to the pile to make someone break is. So don't shame someone for reporting "I saw X grab Y's ass" or "I heard J say X slur". They pile up, and they ALL HELP.
Abusers and harassers don't have "zero" signs. Whether it is people that you see just walk across normal boundaries, like where to sit after being told not to, they probably break OTHER boundaries too. Use your eyes, use your mind and use your voice or your fingers to help!
Yes, a lot of impact comes from a rape report, but why do we let it get to that point in the first place? We all know people that push boundaries, that are testing what they can get away with. Put the walls up for them tell them "No" and make them "No", if you have the ability.
If you don't have the mental fortitude to stand up to someone yourself, THAT IS OK, but don't just let it slide. Tell other people, people who CAN do something. I'm not saying the police, they are useless in most cases, I'm saying other people in the communities you are in.
The store owner, the event organizer, the discord mod team, event security, a tournament organizer, TELL THEM. If you do something still TELL THEM. "X did a thing, and I did Y to stop them, be aware the do thing"
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