I want to know:

1. If a teacher gets exposed and is asked to do iso for 14 days, do those count as sick days?

2. Who continues the in-person teaching during that time? Especially if the class has been exposed by a tested positive teacher?

3. Budget for substitute teachers...?
4. Do students exposed to a covid+ instructor need to self-iso for 14d, and how do they attend classes during that time?

5. OK, #UofI doesn't want to be liable for kids getting covid in dorms, but what will they do with a kid who tests positive on a floor with shared bathrooms?
6. How will the U handle a student who has very likely been exposed but whose parents have objections to the kid getting tested?

7. ...or who have insufficient insurance to cover the kid getting tested?

8. Who will pay for repeat covid tests during the semester?
9. If an instructor becomes seriously ill, how does the class continue?

10. If that instructor is an adjunct, does their contract continue while they are ill? Specifically, their health insurance? Does the substitute get insurance?

11. Is student psych health ready?
12. If the class cannot be completed due to instructor incapacity/death, is the U prepared for the financial fights with the parents?

13. If students cannot complete coursework within the period specified by a scholarship because of covid, will scholarships be renewed?
14. Student grief affects student coursework. Will scholarship programs, academic programs, and student health facilities be flexible?

15. What happens to instructors who need leave to care for or isolate with a family member? Will they be expected to continue teaching remotely?
16. Facilities necessary for student success, like the library - are they ready with adequate staff and plans for how to stay open if staff become ill?

17. Food service, what about backup food service workers? To say nothing of other staff. What if some floors can't be cleaned?
18. Who's going to clean between classes?

19. Who's going to service tech in the classrooms?

20. How will distancing in corridors be enforced, especially when kids are waiting to be let into a classroom?

18-20 corollary: Have additional staff been hired for these tasks?
21. We're all clear that some of the students won't believe covid is real, or won't accept responsibility for getting tested, or won't accept the distancing of other students or of staff/instructors, right? You're requiring masks, good, but what about other measures?
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