thread. I’m white, so I defer to Black students at t*lane on this. If we as a supermajority-white student body are truly listening to Black students, which we absolutely must be, we need to apply everything we’re learning to this year’s COVID complications.
The dean gave 2 options for reporting violators of social distancing/ throwing parties: filling out a concerns report, or calling campus police. From an abolitionist perspective, this raises concerns of students policing other students & POC being in danger b/c of overpolicing.
The actions of the students who spent the summer in New Orleans having irresponsibly large parties have convinced the administration that we need to be encouraged to call the police on our peers. Read that again. So where from here?
Concerns reports are “not designed to address immediate concerns,” but campus police are. So.. how can we stretch our community imagination to ~immediately~ put a stop to harmful parties without policing? 
Seems pretty simple to me. Don’t throw parties. In doing so, help foster a community that protects everyone it touches, visible, or not.. t*lane is the largest private employer in nola. If you see this and for SOME REASON still want to party, think abt who you are harming & why.
DIRECTLY, you harm your friends, your professors, and t*lane employees. the entire goddamn city. All to drink with your friends because you feel entitled to a good time in a city that isn’t yours and immune to a virus that has killed 550k people.
Listen to & support Black T*lanians: instagram
Finally, convince your friends to 1) not be dumb and throw parties 2) that what we do affects the whole city without instilling white savior ideals/ racialized pity and 3) to not overpolice our peers !!!!!!!
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