Despite how stupid most of this is, he almost makes a valid point about special needs students—I have family members that work with special needs and underprivileged students and it is a really serious issue to bring those students to school.
These students need supervision that their parents literally can’t afford to give—if their kids are home, they can’t work, and they can’t earn money to survive. Lots of these kids rely on school lunches and even teacher’s snacks to get through the day.
Especially for parents of special needs children who just are not trained professionals and cannot give their child the support they need 24/7—those parents and children NEED the counselors, teachers, and school psychologists.
Hell, it’s just NOT DEVELOPMENTALLY HEALTHY for young children to be alone/with the exact same people day in and day out! This is a fact. However, no matter what decisions schools make, it’s a bad one.
Bringing students back to school this fall? Highly risky! COVID is far from gone in the US and children are very high risk for permanent effects. Not including the teachers, administrators, and staff that will have to come in contact with those kids.
Not letting kids back to school in the fall? Can cause real emotional and mental damage to kids from all backgrounds, and even economic damage to their entire families. There’s just no good solution.
If this thread was a not angry enough for you, just remember that everyone who refused to believe in the pandemic/take proper precautions are the reason we’re in this lose-lose scenario. These are fuckin kids. They don’t deserve to be stuck in such a bad situation.
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