Islam and Homosexuality: a thread
Disclaimer : I am no scholar or student of knowledge. But the points i present are taken from scholars/researchers like Sh.Yasir Qadhi and Muhammad Hijab.
We need to understand that no scholar in the last 14 centuries of Islam has justified the action of homosexuality. And the act itself (adultery/zina) is undoubtedly a sin, just like a straight person may engage in zina outside bound of marriage... 1/15
However, what is not forbidden is the feeling of the heart. Of course it's not encouraged but the shariah will never punish you based on desire/feeling of the heart. And if you are a Muslim with these desires, Allah(swt) won't punish you for feeling that way. 2/15
Islam is all about submitting to the will of Allah(swt) and to control our desires. Even though there is no concrete scientific study showing being gay is natural, Islam asks us to control our urges. The same way a kleptomaniac has an inability to resist urge to steal..
Or how a Muslim might want to drink alcahol, or indulge in any desires: they have to control these desires. If you do battle those urges, you will be a better Muslim than me since these urges are more difficult to deal with.. 4/15
Your desire will not diminish your status or Iman, but when you have Muslim liberals/activists trying to JUSTIFY these actions, then it becomes problematic... 5/15
Apart from claim of it being natural, Muslim might ask why is the act haram? To a Muslim who submits to the will of Allah(swt), the answer is simple : Because God says so. We hear and we obey. But let's also look at the moral argument against homosexuality.. 6/15
Liberals justify homosexual acts under principle of utilitarianism : achieve maximum pleasure and minimize pain along with the Harm principle : do whatever you want as long as others are not harmed. But we ask you, where do you draw the line with these principles?.. 7/15
Would you legalise Incest? How can you objectively prove homosexuality and incest are different? You might say: incest leads to pro creation( deformed children born) okay no problem, people who want to indulge in incestuous acts can wear contraceptives, or get vasectomy... 8/15
That will ensure there is no procreation. And what about incestuous acts like mother-daughter, sister-sister, brother-brother(or twins) etc. With zero chance of propagation. Both can be consenting adults, not harming anyone : perfectly aligning with liberal framework.. 9/15
Will you legalise it as well? Why not? Had thousands of family members protested in favour of incest in the 90's and tried to change societal narrative to accept it, would you have done so? If you won't allow incest, you aren't even morally consistent in your argument. 10/15
If you would allow it, congratulations! you are consistent but you just demonstrated the moral price tag of your liberal positions. The entire fabric of family, sanctity of family values is destroyed. As a result of these ideologies..11/15
There have been movements to try and legalise paedophilia.Since they argue were born that way, Organizations like Paedophiles information exchange and NAMBLA(N .America man and boys lover association)have tried protesting/bring down consent laws and decrease age of consent to 12
You might say young children can't. give consent. But age of consent is subjective to each time/era. 100 years ago age of consent/marriage used to be 15/14. With time in different societies there are different rules. So liberal values aren't even universal to begin with.. 13/15
A society may come up with laws of morality but they will never be able to JUSTIFY those laws. This is the difference between man made laws which are subjective and can be altered compared to the decree of the divine which is universal and infallible 14/15
So please stick with the rulings of Islam, divine guidance is the only anchor we have in judging morality. Hopefully this benefits you. May Allah(swt) guide us all. Every thing good is from Allah(swt), every mistake in my speech is from me. Jazak Allah for reading 15/15
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