I’m now watching Vampire Diaries just to see who ISNT incredibly problematic by the end of the show lollll

I will be updating this as I go, but so far:

Stefan: stalking a teenager, dating a teen when you are over a hundred years old, murder https://twitter.com/saraah_bearaah/status/1280741655822270464
Damon: assaulting Caroline (he was 25 physically, 100+ actually), murder??? BEING A CONFEDERATE SOLDIER (idc that he defected he fought for slavery), oh killing Vicky for fun
Tyler: literally assaulting Vicky. She told him to stop and he only stopped bc someone intervened.
Vicky! She was 16/17/18 dating a 14? Year old??? Just kinda creepy. Also she tried to kill Elena!
CATHERINE: this bitch. Murder, manipulation, ugh I hate her. Turning two brothers against each other and leaving a trail of destruction in her wake
Vicky and Matt’s mom: uhhhhh she made out with Tyler??? Who is her son’s age?? Predator much? Also she was completely neglectful if her children by disappearing for months at a time
Mayor Lockwood: child abuser!!! He beat up Tyler!! Actually made me have some sympathy for Tyler (even tho he’s a scumbag)
Anna: another hundreds of years old vampire sleeping with a teenager- in this case Jeremy. I do not support these age gaps everyone.
Rip Alaric, but you did have an evil alter ego that has killed people. Alter ego is bad person, rick is a PURE SOUL
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