do you want to know why we are so protective over bangchan? do you want to know why we get so furious when we see people bully him? this is just SOME of the shit him and his family have endured.

stan twitter's mistreatment of bangchan: a thread.
before i begin i want to warn you that some sensitive and potentially triggering topics will be covered here. so i will be adding a tw for the following:

- racism
- depression
- suicide
- pedophilia
- transphobia
- death threats
main thing covered here is the incident with cornrows. he appropriated them for one stage and recently we finally received an apology. in no way will i condone or excuse the ignorance exhibited there. but i WILL call out the blatant bullying he endured for one mistake.
tw // suicide

but those are just a few bad eggs, right? wrong.
non. fucking. stop. he was assaulted nonstop with hate, with threats. this is a video of him finding a comment that said he should kiII himseIf.
tw // blood

he also had multiple nose bleeds on a vlive shortly after the bullying began to really get bad. the stress was getting to him to the point where he was literally physically breaking apart. but ppl kept fucking mocking him and laughing at him.
tw // suicide

he wrote a song abt his suicidal thoughts/battle w/ depression called 42. when ppl found out about it, his cries for help were used as a new joke. bc being so depressed that u think the only way out is suicide is hilarious. im sick.
antis found his little brother on youtube and took that opportunity to send death threats, hate, and malicious comments. he was eventually forced to close his channel to stop the bullying. yall bullied a literal. fucking. child. for something his brother did.
tw // pedophilia

awhile back, stays started a joke about being his babygirls. he caught on and eventually joked about it as well, at one point saying "if you guys are my babygirls, does that make me your daddy?" all harmless jokes that 99% of us laughed about. but antis -->
took it out of context and rapidly spread rumors that he was a pedophile, that he was a child r*pist. once again, stays had to try and clear his name for something he never even did. and yall thought it was the funniest shit ever to call him a literal child m0Iester.
here are jokes that he's in the kkk bc that's fucking hilarious too.
tw // depression

a stay talked about how sad they felt after the concerts were over and chan playfully said they must have post concert depression. ppl used this to say that he was mocking mental health, he was joking about suicide, etc. here are screenshots.
tw // transphobia

at a concert chris included non-binary/trans stays in his speech. although he misspoke, his good intentions were clear and stays were extremely grateful for his words. and yet, ppl said he was transphobic, he hated the LGBT community. all bc he worded smth bad.
video in question
this is all still happening. every day. him and his loved ones receive threats. bullying. hate. racist remarks. and no one stands up for him. it's all "LMAOOOOOOOO STOPJFKDSJF" or "oomf u bad for this one 😭😭 views tho." it's all a joke to them.
but the second we call you out, it's "omg chill it's not that serious" or "it's just kpop" or "so ur racist??" no. i just dont want my hero to fucking suffer for a mistake he apologized for and quite literally break down live on camera because of what you do to him.
yall forget that your idols are human too. you sit back and send unrelenting hate to people. you assume that bc they're celebrities they don't care. wrong. every tiny comment you make adds up and up and up to destroy his mental health. how is bullying someone to tears funny?
he goes through hell and back and yet he maintains a picture perfect image all for us. no one deserves what yall put him through. just stop. please. treat him like a human being. have some decency. god forbid if something happens, know that it would be the result of your actions.
oh my god, i did not expect this to get more than maybe 15 likes. im gonna mute this for now but please remember to email jyp and flood bangchan with positive comments!! if you need to reach me feel free to dm <3 and don't hesitate to add other stuff to the thread!!
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