i always put my garden on the gram but today imma give y’all a tour on here: a thread!
first up pepper plants! I have 5! here are golden cayenne, hot Hungarian, and jalapeño!
and here are purple beauty bell, and habenero (I haven’t quite hit my stride with these two - I think it’s rain and temp related but we will see if we get peppers!)
next let’s talk about my sprouts! Here are my most exciting ones - watermelon!
i guess all of these aren’t sprouts so I’ll rename them my baby plants! or starts... or whatever - pumpkin, nasturtium, basil, watermelon, kale and several okra 🥰
I’m trying to grow sweet pots but I’m very very late to the game - they should be in the ground already but I’m still trying to root the slips - potatoes and sweet potatoes grow completely different which I didn’t know!
regular degular potatoes grow from seed potatoes like these ones I have, but sweet pots grow from slips which are the green leafy stems that grow out of the sweet potato when you root it
two stages of avocado - didn’t know this but it can take like 15 years to grow an actual avocado fruit from the seed of one from the grocery - until then, they are super pretty house plants
these are my regular potatoes - I planted 3 in the white bucket and 12 in the recycling bin - def should have put less in the bin but I’ll see what I get when I harvest - I’m super proud of this particular endeavor
I have two other potato beds, so if y’all are local and want potatoes in a while please hmu bc I will have more than I know what to do with - also did y’all know you have to “cure” potatoes and sweet potatoes - sweet pots get sweeter the longer they cure
growing basil is what got me into gardening and I have so much growing on my porch - holler if you want basil immediately bc I got u - i just harvested cilantro so the plant looks kinda bare but she’s good don’t worry about her - also regrowing store bought green onions out here
here are my cucumbers - maybe my favorites to grow so far! I have harvested three! - they are well on their way to climbing these long poles so imma have to figure out how to rig em lmao
not gonna lie the squash is struggling BUT I have at least one viable fruit on each of them - check out my acorn squash! - look at my cute patty pans (the small one wasn’t pollinated well and will fall off and rot but for now she’s cute! - last is red kuri squash :)
basically y’all I’ve been having to hand pollinate my squash so that they will give me the fruit I deserve! I need more bees to come!!! but don’t worry! I planted wildflowers to make them come to me 🥰
I have 7 tomato plants (5 on the porch and two in the lower garden) -beefsteak, yellow brandywine, sungold, purple Cherokee, mr stripey (lmao), and black krim! my sungolds just started to blush (2nd pic) and so...did I!
this is my tomato guardian - idk how hes playing his guitar with one arm and half a guitar but that’s his business
beans - y’all ever eaten them raw?? - it ain’t bad!!
this is my lovely lower garden! I built this myself and I’m really proud of it! v lucky that is also bordered by blackberry bushes - the last pic is from 2 weeks ago so she’s really growing for me 🧡
down here in this garden I have kale, chard, black krim toms, potatoes, yellow squash, and ... SUNFLOWERS (next tweet!) - I think some bitch ass slugs ate my kale but if they were hungry I guess that’s okay - my chard looks GOODT!
:))) - I didn’t think these would grow well because they were root bound when I transplanted them - 3/5 made it! - sunflowers can grow like 6 ft tall but these white ones are probably only 2 feet - I planted red ones in my flower garden for my mom - I’ll take pics when they open!
that’s it y’all! - any of u are welcome to come by and help me harvest stuff if you ever want to - during quarantine, growing stuff has really helped me feel better and learn to slow down and wait and be present and I feel really good everytime I walk outside and see it 🤗
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