Speaking as an adoptee, I have had such a hard time getting ppl to understand this. White evangelicalism doesn't actually see being pro-life and supporting policies that cause MORE unplanned pregnancies as contradictory. Adoption is both a lucrative industry and a beloved idol. https://twitter.com/LeeFlower/status/1280920583002370049
I see a lot of people framing today's Supreme Court decision in that light. i.e. "How can you claim to want less abortions but then lower access to birth control?" But THIS is how. This has always been how.
White evangelicalism doesn't just *support* adoption.
They celebrate it.
They glorify it.
They frame it as a vital way to show the gospel in action.
So much so, that they would see it as a loss to have LESS adoptions happening.
I know many of you will say that's unfair or uncharitable. Respectfully? Any time I have spoken up to say the church should be on the front lines of trying to lower the number of ADOPTIONS just as passionately as they try to lower the number of ABORTIONS? It causes outrage.
Anytime I try to speak about adoption as a "necessary evil?" That gets outrage.

I dare you to walk into a white evangelical church and say you want to start a campaign aimed at reducing adoptions. See what people say.

Then tell me that adoption isn't an idol.
In my experience, white evangelicalism treats adoption like they treat charity. When progressives suggest more government programs to directly address poverty or healthcare inequality, W.E.'s often say that this should be the churches domain because it "displays the gospel."
They claim that letting the government solve these problems will take away the church's ability to "show people Jesus by meeting their needs."

But to be clear, that's saying we should enable injustice to continue so that it can create opportunities for us to come in and fix it.
Their views on adoption are fed from that same vein. Any chance to "show people Jesus" is a win in that book. So why take extraordinary steps to reduce those opportunities?
Additionally, you have a culture that has idolized the nuclear family, which only intensifies the desires - and yes even *entitlement* - of those who are unable to conceive. If the nuclear family is the pinnacle of white evangelical life, then good Christians are owed children.
Without adoption, white evangelicalism would have to reckon with its idolization of the nuclear family in whole new ways - and that's not something they seem prepared to do.
All of this long rambling thread to say: if you are somehow surprised to see white evangelicals claim to be both pro-life AND anti-birth control and sex ed? You aren't listening to adoptees like me. None of this is surprising in the least.
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