Schools reopening? How do you expect kids to wear masks in class for an entire 8 hours? How do you expect kids to keep proper distancing measures when we pack classrooms up to 40? How do you expect kids to not be kids? This is some dystopian shit if I’ve ever seen it.
Kids will be subjected to infection and vague “guidelines” of mask wearing and distancing. They are not rules or regulations as said by the orange cheeto. ADULTS can’t even follow proper procedures, what makes you think kids of these parents will?
Kids will not be getting the best education possible. Teachers and staff will be policing kids to follow “guidelines” more often causing more classroom disruption and less peer to peer interaction. Kids do not learn in conjunction with a fearful virus.
Before sending your child, niece, nephew, cousin, brother, sister, etc. back to school, remember that they are definitely at risk. Maybe a lower risk percentage now, but it’s probable that schools will become the new breeding ground for the 19 and skyrocket child cases
Cheeto dude has had his fun with elderly and adults dying from the 19 and the mass amount of cases in the US alone, but now he is putting children, OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS, at the forefront to battle his, what he calls, nonexistent virus. This us a sad world we’re living in.
We are humans, not dollar signs. If anyone took the time to read this thread, thank you for listening to my Ted talk. Now fuck off and continue to dismantle the system in any way possible.
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