
everytime a girl on this platform uploads picture there's always some random person telling her to be in a certain way, comment about how heavy their make-up is, how they're wearing that outfit, body shame them and what not.
then there comes this lot who will say "ur uploading picture for clout/ followers badhane ki ninja technique" i don't see anyone commenting this under a guy's picture, why? even they upload pictures here. the why these people have problems only with girls uploading picture?
let me tell you if it isn't clear already, we DO NOT put pictures here to please anyone. if people are following me for my face then it's on them and NOT ME. you don't have to come out of your way to say something shitty and unasked.
just coz this is an open platform that does not mean you have rights to cross your boundaries.

and honestly speaking at this point i'm scared to put my face out here coz you never know when someone will misuse it, trash talk about it and upload it somewhere without asking me.
one of my mutual today told me that her picture was uploaded on FB? why? who gave you the permission? did she consent to that? NO, she didn't but you being a creep used it as a content for your stupid meme page without asking for her permission.
idk one girl on this app who doesn't have a fear of her pictures being misused and being saved by some random creep, why is that? what joy one gets by making someone feel unsafe? why can't you have basic desency to respect boundaries?
and you know what? not uploading photos coz men send creepy DMs and comments is same thing as girls staying indoors coz men make us feel unsafe outside.
saving someone's picture without their consent is NOT OKAY!
you're making a person feel unsafe by your actions and should be very much ashamed to do so.

thank you!
do better :)
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