Many cis white women who receive criticism of their behavior mistakenly believe they're being criticized as white *women*, and not as *white* women.

Any time you're criticized as a white women, the operative word is always "white."

White femininity is entrenched with toxicity.
Most of the toxicity in white femininity is paternalistic authoritarianism with a soft, cutesy paint job.

The term "girl boss" is a prime example of this.

The "girl" part evokes a soft, harmless image that effectively sugarcoats the "boss" bit.
Sometimes you'll see white cis women (operative words: white, cis) try to frame their inappropriate - if not outright abusive - behavior as LOLSoQUirKY!!!11

Call them out, and they'll probably perform fragility to try and enforce their authority.

Unfortunately, it often works.
White cis women often act like they're magnanimously kind for letting minorities into "their" spaces and basically being their "girl boss." If these minorities are women or perceived as women, they might try to force a false solidarity by claiming they've all got "sisterhood."
When the word "sisterhood" is used by a relatively privileged white cis woman (again, operative words: white, cis) and directed at racial minorities, trans folk, disabled folk, etc., it's basically a euphemism for assimilation and erasure. It's inherently anti-intersectional.
They'll act *so* cutesy and LoLSoQUiRKy!!! about this whole ~sisterhood~ business and act like it means everything should be butterflies, rainbows, and smiles forever. Point out how creepy and oppressive this is, and they'll perform fragility and accuse you of misogyny.
And it's gotta stop. White cis women need to understand that being oppressed on one axis doesn't mean they can't perpetuate oppression on others, and that intersectionality means acknowledging how others *aren't* like you and *not* trying to force them into solidarity with you.
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