What does the Bible mean when it says ‘wives submit to your husbands’ or ‘men are the head of the house’? A thread.

It’s confusing and it’s a source of conflict for many Christian women. So let’s get into a few things.
Disclaimer: this is my personal revelation and you don’t have to agree with anything I say but do pray on it.❤️
So as I mentioned earlier the answer is actually in Genesis or at least that’s how God revealed it to me. But before we go there what does the Bible actually say?? Well....it says submit, there’s no way around that but what does *GOD’s* version of submission/marriage look like?
Context is important in the Bible, that’s why we’re encouraged to read the whole thing so you have the answers for yourself. We often hear Ephesians 5:22 in isolation, and it’s bottom line? Wives must submit. But Ephesians 5:21-33 gives us the full picture:
Every line of those 13 verses paints a different picture from what we’re drilled with. “After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body,” is such a powerful line because it completely discredits those who claim to be living the Bible yet—
—beat, rape, kill, disrespect, oppress and control their wives as an ego boost. Because the way Christ loves the church? Is complete, he died for the church to make sure he would see them again no matter what. He cherishes the church and does everything in his power to show them.
Remember those 13 verses when someone preaches a word that doesn’t include Gods vision.
And just for reference what does God say about love? 1 Corinthians 13 tells you everything you need to know. So if that is love and a husband must love his wife then...? Remember it does not insist on its own way, it is not resentful and it believes all things.
Okay, okay but Kiyara iwewe wati the answer is in Genesis saka....? It is, please bare with me a little bit. It will make sense.😂
Now that we’ve done the whole background, we know what submission is, we know what what love is and we know how God wanted marriage to be and how men are to be in marriage. But why? Why must we submit? There’s something still missing. Let’s get to the point of this thread.
Why are men the head of the house? The answer lies in the question: Why is Adam (not Eve) blamed for the fall of man? I mean, Eve ate first right? She committed the sin so Adam eating it shouldn’t have mattered, right? Wrong. Adam was the head of the ‘house’.
Genesis 2:15-22 has the answer. God created man and gave him dominion over everything and the power to name His creation, to take care and of it and keep it. That was Adams role. He had all the power to do whatever but God gave him ONE commandment:
See when the Bible says that man is the head of the house, it means that the man is there to ENFORCE God’s law in the household. To take care of God’s creation. That is why even though Eve ate the fruit and even though she was deceived God went to Adam to ask what happened.
It is because God had to ask Adam, “What happened to my creation? What happened when I left you here to take care of them? Give me the status report?”
It is not because women are weaker or more emotional. It is because Adam was given the commandment. Had Adam said to Eve, “I won’t eat because it is against God’s law” the original sin wouldn’t exist because Adam was supposed to keep the law and TEACH it to Eve who was not there.
None of this is to say that women are less than men. It means that men and women were given different roles which have been bastardized. Woman was created and given to Adam to HELP take care of the garden. NEVER for servitude, it is side by side having submitted to one another.
In conclusion, yes the Bible says women must submit and that we have a role but submission is not servitude and men as head of the house must be submitted to God so they can take the lead, a husband must earn your submission but be grounded in the Lord in order to lead at all.
Remember to read your Bible and know it for yourselves. Also if you guys have any questions or anything you’d like to discuss feel free to DM me. Stay safe.❤️
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