Morneau noted that the feds are the BEST borrowers in the land (lower risks/costs than for cash strapped provinces, municipalities, businesses, households, and poor people, ranked in ascending order of borrowing risks/rates)
PLUS: total debt charges are lower this year than last!
The only federal fiscal limit on borrowing/spending is inflation (nowhere on the horizon).
So the question is not "how much are they spending" but "what are they spending on".

Think: highest returns on investment.
Think: early learning and childcare

Triple win /3
Win #1: More women/parents can work (less CERB, more taxes)
Win #2: A potential source of good jobs. (If you train/pay them at least as well as zookeepers!)
Win #3: when childcare=improving learning capacity you maximize economic potential for indivs and society as a whole
Decades of evidence shows early learning and childcare literally pays for itself.
Do it/don't do it, you reap what you sow, now and in future.
Like your grandma said - an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Our choice: recovery or depression (economic and otherwise)
On the other side of the pandemic is the unduckable reality of population aging. No recovery from that.
We'll need all hands on deck for decades, as a smaller share of workers support a bigger share of those too old, young or sick to work.
Child poverty rates run ~10 to 30% across communities.
We can't afford to discount the learning and earning potential of so many people/future workers/citizens because they can't get high quality early learning and childcare.
We need a plan. All hands on deck. #FutureOfWorkers
$14B in federal transfers to provinces? $ without a plan is not a strategy.
We learned that from the "public healthcare is not sustainable" debate in the early 2000s, whose aftermath tied fed $s to outcomes (lower wait times, more diagnostic equipment). We all won.
Do it again.
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