I've seen a lot of people "demanding" studios stop screwing around and just release movies like BLACK WIDOW, MULAN, HALLOWEEN KILLS, SAINT MAUD and others straight to VOD. "We need new entertainment," they Tweet. "Who knows when we'll get to go back to theaters?" they blog.
If 2021 has shown anything it's that we need to sacrifice a bit if we're going to get through this thing. Wear a mask, don't go to nightclubs, spend a bit more time at home than you're used to during the summer, wait a bit longer for the movies you were wanting to see.
When theaters reopen - whenever that might be - they are going to need movies to show in order to crawl up through the debt of loans, bills, and overhead costs - all having built up into a mighty hill without the relief of revenue coming in since March.
For the most part, new movies haven't been made since March - if studios send everything they have that's completed to VOD, it's going to be that much longer before there is anything theaters can show that will bring audiences in at the numbers theaters need in order to survive.
So, in summary, learn to wait. Stop expecting studios to release everything they were supposed to release this year on VOD. There are hundreds of thousands of amazing movies available on DVD, Blu-ray, streaming sites that I guarantee you have not seen yet. Watch those films.
Unless, of course, you think the theatrical industry should die - and, if that's the case, state that in your posts so that I can be sure to know your opinion is one I don't care to listen to.
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